Rusalka in Esperanto (Eng.)

6. září 2016

We are really pleased to find out that there is an interest in Czech classical music artworks abroad. In this case it is about such a curiosity as Dvořák’s Rusalka performed in Esperanto.

Zájem o klasickou českou hudbu v zahraničí má různé formy. Jednou z nich – operou Antonína Dvořáka Rusalkou nastudovanou v esperantu – jsme se zabývali i v kanceláři ombudsmana ČRo. Na podnět posluchače ze Spojených států amerických se podařilo přislíbit zařazení tohoto díla z archivu Českého rozhlasu do e-shopu Zveřejňujeme výtah z korespondence, v níž důležitou úlohu sehrála Podpora Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Českého rozhlasu.

Dear Sirs,

I have tried to contact your radio station in the past, but without success so far.

I would like to inform how I could order your Compact Disc with the recordings of the Opera Rusalka in Esperanto. (1996)

With kind regards,

Robert Poort, Nevada, USA


Dear Mr. Poort,

We are really glad to hear about your interest in Dvořák’s Rusalka and we are deeply sorry for the fact your question was not answered earlier. However, the record is not available in our shop anymore. Therefore I passed your question on Mrs. Eva Vítková, who is in charge of licensing archived records, and she will provide you with further information about how to purchase the record (if possible) and what the price of the record would be.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Adam Mezenský, Assistant of Ombudsman of the Czech Radio


Dear Mr. Poort,

we are really pleased that you are interested in Czech Radio recordings, especially for such a rarity as the Dvořák´s Rusalka in Esperanto undoubtedly is.

I am glad I can tell you that we decided to put this recording to our e-shop where it should appear I believe in a month. We have to acquire the rights for use the recording this way first so now we are waiting for the result but I hope there will be no problem with it and you can buy the recording soon.

Our e-shop exists only in Czech language version now but if you contact the administrator Mrs. Alice Amirzaiová I am sure she will do her best to help you with the order and shopping. Her contact e-mail is

I believe you will enjoy our recording in a short time, we will try to arrange it as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Bc. Eva Vítková, Sale Specialist

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